Online Test Booking System(OTBS)
1. What is OTBS?
Online Test Booking system.
2. How does OTBS help?
OTBS is provisioned to help the candidates to choose a date and slot for his/her assessment based on his/her preference from a given set of available dates & slots.
3. Please Share the OTBS URL?
Access URL-
4. What are my login credentials?
User id – Email id
Password – Date birth in DD-MM-YYYY
Key in the email id and select the date of birth (DOB) in DD-MM-YYYY format as per the details shared in the intimation mail received from
5. I am unable login as I am getting the message “Invalid user credential”, What should I do?
Please check if the candidate is eligible for the drive, if yes, the value entered will have some mistakes. Please follow the steps below
- Enter the email address & select password (DD-MM-YYYY) as present on the OTBS registration email sent to you.
- Enter the email address manually (type it in) rather than copy-pasting it. Ensure that there are not any spaces added as a prefix or suffix.
- Kindly check if there are any typing errors while entering the email address & password.
- Please ensure that DOB is selected in DD-MM-YYYY format.
- Please mention that you have not met the eligibility criteria. Hence have not been shortlisted for further processing.
6. Would I be allowed to change the slot selected by me?
A Slot once booked cannot be changed. Requests for changes to the dates/slots will not be entertained under any circumstances.
7. A particular slot has been filled; I am unable to select, kindly help me?
System provides the slot on “First Come First Serve Basis”, in case if specific slot is not available, please look for alternate available slots and book the slot for assessment.
8. I have forgotten the date and time of exams. Please help me?
Login to your OTBS account to check the already booked slot.