• This site is best viewed in 1366 * 768 resolution with latest version of Google Chrome browser only.
  • Clear browser cache before logging into the application.
  • Use the appropriate test-taking link/URL.
  • Key in, carefully, your username and passcode provided in the email sent.
  • If you are unable to start the test after logging in, please clear the cache & retry.
  • Take photo of the id using the webcam if you face difficulty in uploading any Govt. issued ID card.
  • Check your webcam and permission on your browser, If you can’t take photo.
  • If you can’t share your screen, check for pop-up blockers, check for webcam and microphone permissions from browser.
  • If your screen freezes or you face any difficulty during the test, close the browser, re-open Google Chrome, login and resume the test.
  • Please disable custom settings in your Google Chrome browser and allow cookies in your web browser.