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Test Taking Process

1. Candidates will be presented with two options, start test and sample test. Candidates have the option to take the sample test; the objective of this test is to ensure that candidates have a look and feel of the platform. Please note that this is a practice test and will not be graded. Candidates are requested to click the start test option in case they wish to skip the sample test.

Test Taking Process

2 Thereafter, they will go through a comprehensive checklist, in the following order:

System Check: It automatically checks if the candidate’s system is at par with the infrastructural guidelines and ready for the candidate to take the test on Coding platform.

Test Taking Process

3. Personal Information: In this window, the candidate will be prompted to fill in this Name and Email.

4. Photo Verification: This window would require the candidate to capture their image for photo verification
The objective of capturing the photograph during the assessment to ensure the following items

  • No unfair means are adopted during the assessment.
  • The same candidate sits throughout the assessment.
  • Multiple faces don’t appear during the assessment.
5. Video verification: This window would require the candidate to point his/her face at the camera and make sure you are in a well-lit room. The photo later will be used for verification purposes during the joining time.
6. Instructions from the recruitment company: This window outlines the specific assessment guidelines given by the recruitment company. It’s important for the candidates to accept the privacy notice before clicking Start Test, in this window
7. When they are ready to commence the test, they can click on the Start Test button to activate the timer. The timer can be seen on extreme left top corner.
When the test is configured to prevent plagiarism with other security controls applied, the candidate will be notified if their actions result in a violation. These violations will also be included in the candidate’s test results.
8. Once you start the test, you will see the following interface.

Toolbar: Kindly refer Left hand side bottom corner, It has all the important tools that you would require during the duration of the test. Its components are as follows:

i.Flag: This button is used to flag a question, so you may come back to it later before submission of assessment. It will be indicated with a yellow circle around the question number in the Test Navigator.
ii.Theme: It allows you to switch between the dark and light themes.
iii.Video Feed: It lets you minimize or maximize the camera bubble.
iv.Profile:It shows your name and email id.
Timer: Kindly refer the Left hand side top corner, It shows how many minutes you have left before the test ends.
Clear Answer: For Multiple Choice Questions, after you have selected your answer, and you now want to change your submission, you may click on this button to clear your submission and select a new answer.
Previous/Next: These are navigating buttons. You can go to the previous or next question by clicking on these buttons.
Test Navigator: You can see all the questions in the Test Navigator on the left-hand side below the timer, the questions may be divided into various sections. It helps with the ease of navigating through the different questions.
v. A Green circle around the question number denotes that your answer has been saved.
vi. A Yellow circle around the question number denotes that you have ‘flagged’ the question, and you can come back to answer the question later.
vii. A question number in Blue denotes the current question that you are on.
Submit Test: Once you have finished answering all the questions, you can click on the Submit Test button. Please note that once the assessment is submitted, you cannot restart it again.

Type of Violations in case if candidate adopts unfair practices:

1. Force Full-Screen – Forcing a candidate’s browser into full-screen mode is a technique used in online assessments to ensure that the candidate’s entire screen is dedicated to the assessment or test, with no distractions from other open tabs, applications, or notifications. When Force Full-Screen is enabled – The candidate’s browser will be forced into full-screen mode.
2. Log Candidate Tab Change Activities – Track if the candidate moved out of the tab during the test. When a candidate switches to a different browser tab, the monitoring system detects this change and records it. The system also records the timestamp of when the tab change occurred. This information can be useful for later analysis if any suspicious behavior is detected.
3. Disable External Copy/Paste – This will restrict copy/paste from external sources, however, candidates will be allowed to copy/paste within the test window.
4. Email Watermarking – Platform allows you to watermark your assessments to prevent them from being leaked or shared, as the candidates’ email addresses are displayed in the background of each question. It also disables question selection and highlighting, which prevents copying and pasting the question text and thus further preventing question sharing.
5. Whole Screen Recording – Platform now helps capture the candidate’s entire screen, delivering indisputable proof to uphold the test’s integrity and swiftly identify any unfair means.
6. Multi-Screen Detection – Platform helps safeguard your test by actively detecting and restricting the use of multiple displays. This ensures that candidates cannot engage in unfair means and seek external assistance.
7. No Face Detection – When a candidate moves away from the web camera, the platform actively detects the same, restricting the candidate to not to move away from the web camera. This ensures that candidates cannot engage in unfair practice and seek external assistance.
Reporting of Violation during assessments.
Any unfair means adopted by candidates are reported as violation and the same is displayed in the final report. This will help the recruiters to decide the future course of action along with the assessment scores.